Spring Fair, 2023

This year we held a Spring Fair that supported a local charity, to demonstrate to our students that a combination of creative thinking, hard work, and empathy can help to tackle social challenges and bring people together.

The Spring Fair raffle had an extensive prize pool and raised a total of 84,260,000 VND for the Hearing & Beyond Foundation. Hearing and Beyond was founded by Mái McCann, who established the not-for-profit school to provide a quality education for children with hearing impairment in Hoi An. Mái is a qualified nurse who returns to Australia each year to undertake three month placements, allowing her to earn the money needed to run the school.

The Spring Fair had a significant amount of publicity and interest, and over 1000 participants attending on the day. Parents and the HAIS community were instrumental in getting this event off the ground, and their efforts set an example to students about being kind, compassionate and showing humility to those in need.